Refer to the following table for a log of additions and updates to the Unity Style Guide.
Date (DD/MM/YYYY) | Change | JIRA ticket(s) |
12/03/2025 | Added "Arm64" to the Terminology list. | COPS-2535 |
03/03/2025 | Updated the Alt text section to include more information about blank alt attributes. | COPS-2530 |
27/02/2025 | Updated the Terminology list to reflect that "Mecanim" is in use again. | COPS-2524 |
25/02/2025 | Updated table guidance to clarify blank cell usage in Tables. | COPS-2522 |
26/02/2025 | Added "stops, alpha stops, gradient stops" to UI Terms. | COPS-2515 |
25/02/2025 | Added guidance about splitting long tables into multiple pages or sections to Tables. | COPS-2519 |
24/02/2025 | Added best practices for creating accessible tables to Tables. | COPS-2494 |
10/01/2025 | Added "dirty" to the Terminology list. | COPS-2457 |
07/01/2025 | Replaced the quick reference guide with Top 10 Unity style tips to improve readability and ease of use. | COPS-2126 |
13/08/2024 | Removed Code examples content and replaced with link to content maintained at the Content Operations site. | COPS-1701 |
13/08/2024 | Updated links to the new Content Operations website on the Other Unity conventions page. | COPS-2223 |
13/08/2024 | Clarified guidance for first and second occurrence of the Unity Editor and the Unity Web Platform on the Unity products and services page. | COPS-2223 |
30/07/2024 | Removed guidance for the terms "show" and "display" from Terminology list. | COPS-2190 |
11/07/2024 | Removed "Caution" and "Hint" admonition types from Notes and information boxes and linked to the Hexadocs component information. | COPS-2118 |
11/07/2024 | Added link to Hexadocs file naming conventions on Files, folders, and directories. | COPS-2150 |
08/07/2024 | Added "blend tree" to the Terminology list. | COPS-1763 |
04/06/2024 | Changed "FogBugz case" to "support ticket" on the Release notes and changelogs page. | COPS-2034 |
03/06/2024 | Minor updates to Products and services page
| COPS-1674, COPS-1875 |
09/04/2024 | Clarified examples of how to link to other pages on the Links and citations page. | COPS-1967 |
19/03/2024 | Fixed temperature typos. | COPS-1869 |
17/01/2024 | Minor updates to Numbers section:
| |
09/01/2024 | Updated List of common units to include both binary and decimal memory units. | COPS-1722 |
21/11/2023 | Made the following changes to UI Terms:
| COPS-592, COPS-1279, COPS-1609 |
16/11/2023 | Added new guidance on Contractions. | COPS-1647 |
15/11/2023 | Added a new section on Writing about third-party platforms and products, including a new page on Copyright and trademark attribution. | COPS-1654 |
15/11/2023 | Added new Punctuation section, with guidance on apostrophes, parentheses, and periods and other end punctuation. | COPS-1152 |
14/11/2023 | Made the following changes to the Terminology A-Z list:
| COPS-1548, COPS-1614 |
03/11/2023 | Added several terms to the Accessible and inclusive language section and reorganized the Disability-based language to avoid page. | COPS-1025, COPS-1037 |
03/11/2023 | Added "bug fix" to the Terminology list. | COPS-1365 |
03/11/2023 | Added "troubleshooting" as an exception to the Titles and headings page guidance. | COPS-1504 |
02/08/2023 | Added new section on Numbers, measurements, and equations to the Style section. | COPS-1014 |
25/07/2023 | Clarified guidance on using articles with initialisms and acronyms | COPS-1258 |
25/07/2023 | Added link to Cloud Foundation Design System in footer. | COPS-1370 |
06/07/2023 | Added a new page on Nonviolent language to the Accessible and inclusive language section. | COPS-1298, COPS-791 |
28/06/2023 | Moved the following pages from the Terminology section to the Style section: | COPS-1313 |
28/06/2023 | Added new guidance about Documenting lifecycle stages of products, features, and APIs to the Style section. | COPS-837, COPS-605 |
28/06/2023 | Added guidance against using strikethrough text to the Text formatting page. | COPS-1058 |
26/06/2023 | Made the following changes to the Terminology A-Z list:
| COPS-1256, COPS-1243 |
26/06/2023 | Added guidance on omitting variables from references to UI text to the User interface section. | COPS-1032 |
05/06/2023 | Updated guidance on using images, screenshots, and diagrams. | COPS-348, COPS-357, COPS-357 |
29/05/2023 | Added a new section about writing Alt text for different types of images and platforms to the Media section. | COPS-369 |
19/05/2023 |
| COPS-455, COPS-494 |
19/05/2023 | Clarified guidance on formatting notes and information boxes. | COPS-1271 |
19/05/2023 | Updated guidance on using quotation marks in non-user-facing documentation. | COPS-1215 |
19/05/2023 | Updated guidance on using bold and monospace fonts. Added guidance on choosing between regular, bold, and monospace font depending on context. Included minor updates to several pages to improve consistency within the style guide. | COPS-1213, COPS-1270 |
19/05/2023 | Clarified guidance on using target titles and sentence text for link text. | COPS-1252 |
03/05/2023 | Added guidance on how to pluralize initialisms and acronyms. | COPS-988 |
02/05/2023 | Created a new page for Tooltips that links to the tooltip guidelines in the Unity Editor Design System. | COPS-1212 |
02/05/2023 | Clarified the Links and citations guidance on how to include the source name in links to sources outside the Unity documentation. | COPS-1218 |
12/04/2023 | Clarified guidance around using "see also" on the Sight- and ability-based language page. | COPS-1062 |
12/04/2023 | Updated Terminology list to use "indexes" as the recommended plural for "index." | COPS-975 |
27/03/2023 | Updated Terminology list to use "in other words" as the recommended replacement for "i.e." | COPS-1054 |
23/03/2023 | Added guidance on using explicit types to the Create code examples and Format code examples pages. | COPS-1046 |
23/03/2023 | Clarified guidance against using italics on the Text formatting page. | COPS-982 |
23/03/2023 | Added guidance against using periods in abbreviations to the Initialisms and acronyms page. | COPS-1017 |
23/03/2023 | Clarified guidance around using "contact us" on the Sight- and ability-based language page. | COPS-1023 |
23/03/2023 | Made the following changes to the Disability-based language to avoid page:
| COPS-974 |
01/03/2023 | Added guidance against using monospace font in titles and headings to the Titles and headings and Text formatting pages. | COPS-981 |
01/03/2023 | Added links to the Brand Studio: Voice and style guide to the Unity Style Guide footer menu, index page, and Other Unity conventions page. | COPS-978 |
01/03/2023 | Clarified guidance on using "hover over" on the UI terms page, and fixed minor errors and formatting inconsistencies on a few pages. | COPS-614 |
21/02/2023 | Added guidance on alternative pronouns to the Gender-inclusive language page. | COPS-902 |
21/02/2023 | Updated guidance on alternatives to "spirit animal" and reorganized the Race- and ethnicity-inclusive language page according to use case. | COPS-868, COPS-966 |
20/02/2023 | Moved Scripting API page to Content Types section and fixed broken links. | COPS-900, COPS-961 |
30/01/2023 | Added "on the warpath," "spastic, spaz, spazzing," "barren," and "mumbo jumbo" to the Accessible and inclusive language section. | COPS-848 |
24/01/2023 | Added guidance for Image attribution. The new guidance has been reviewed and approved by the Unity Legal team. | COPS-540 |
17/01/2023 | Made the following changes to the Race- and ethnicity-inclusive language page:
| COPS-793 |
09/01/2023 | Updated the following prefab-related terms in the Terminology list.
| COPS-798 |
03/01/2023 | Added "exotic," "cakewalk," and "low-hanging fruit" to the Antiracist language page. | COPS-792 |
03/01/2023 | Added the following new pages on Accessible and inclusive language to the Style section:
| COPS-648, COPS-361 |
14/12/2022 | Clarified guidance on using monospace font for all code and API references, including class names. | -- |
06/12/2022 | Added the following new pages on UI copy to the Content types section:
| COPS-451 |
24/11/2022 | Added guidance on documenting current and future states of the product to the Past, present, and future tense page. | COPS-594 |
24/11/2022 | Added "app store" to the Terminology list. | COPS-548 |
24/11/2022 | Updated guidance for Release notes and changelogs to refer to Jira tickets instead of FogBugz cases. | COPS-609 |
08/11/2022 | Updated guidance for "application/app" on the Terminology list. | COPS-560 |
08/11/2022 | Added guidance on "Example" headings to the Titles and headings page. | COPS-374 |
08/11/2022 | Added marketing information to the FAQ page. | COPS-549 |
28/10/2022 | Added a new page on FAQs to the Content types section. | COPS-521 |
26/10/2022 | Updated guidance for UI terminology. | COPS-262 |
19/10/2022 | Updated guidance on using abbreviations in titles. | COPS-502 |
19/10/2022 | Added "simmed," "erroring out," and "digital twin" to the Terminology list. | COPS-466, COPS-501 |
05/10/2022 | Updated guidance on using the Inter font with SVG diagrams. | COPS-486 |
05/10/2022 | Added "deselect" and "white label" to the Terminology list. | COPS-275, COPS-458 |
05/10/2022 | Added "Addressables" and related terms to the Terminology list. | COPS-427 |
05/10/2022 | Added guidance on creating HTML lists in tables. | COPS-456 |
29/09/2022 |
| COPS-234, COPS-428 |
13/09/2022 | Added "file name" to the Terminology A-Z list. | COPS-459 |
07/09/2022 | Renamed the column headers in the Quick Reference guide to more accurately describe the table's content. | COPS-313 |
11/08/2022 | Fixed some formatting and code errors on the Format code examples page. | COPS-429 |
11/08/2022 | Updated Tables with following changes:
| |
11/08/2022 | Updated User interactions page so that guidance on bolding UI terms is consistent with the guidance on the Text formatting page. | COPS-320 |
10/08/2022 | Added "calculate" and "compute" to Terminology A-Z. | COPS-238 |
09/08/2022 | Added the following new pages on grammar guidance in the Style section:
| DOCQ-126 |
28/07/2022 | Added "world space," "screen space," and "Burst compiler" to Terminology. Updated the site title to Unity Style Guide. Corrected some typos and outdated links. Changed all Docs instances of "see" to "refer to." | DOCQ-170, DOCQ-182, DOCQ-183 |
28/07/2022 | Updated terminology list to reflect new guidance on capitalization. | DOCQ-169 |
22/07/2022 | Replaced links to Human Interface Guidelines with Unity Editor Design System. Updated several page short descriptions, standardized sentence case for page titles, and noted the previous changes to the Terminology section in the Changelog:
| |
22/07/2022 | Updated guidance for writing about third-party software, specifically the boilerplate text approved by the Unity Legal team. | DOCQ-154 |
22/07/2022 | Updated guidance on capitalization. | DOCQ-169 |
22/07/2022 | Updated guidance on initialisms and acronyms. | DOCQ-169 |
20/07/2022 | Added new links to the footer menu and corrected several typographical errors. Renamed the following pages and sections:
| DOCQ-180, DOCQ-164 |
12/07/2022 | Added "trackpad, touchpad" to Terminology. | DOCQ-177 |
12/07/2022 | Updated guidance on passive voice exceptions. | DOCQ-168 |
11/07/2022 | Added missing short descriptions to all Unity Style Guide pages and named Merriam-Webster as the dictionary to refer to for US spelling. Added a new column to the What's New page for linking to JIRA tickets. | DOCQ-162, DOCQ-163 |
29/06/2022 | Created two top-level sections for Content types and Media. Moved the following pages within the Style Guide:
| |
21/06/2022 | Added guidance on linking to external sources. Added "Animation Clip" and "template" to the terminology list. | |
02/06/2022 | Added "grayboxing" and "VFX Graph" to the terminology list. Added information on GIFs and accessibility, and on formatting changelog posts. Deleted the Writing Tips page and guidance on image storage. | |
01/06/2022 | Added Procedures page and updated Lists page accordingly. | |
27/05/2022 | Added guidance for non-interactable tabs and headings to User interactions. | |
24/05/2022 | Replaced Bold, italics, and underline and Monospace font pages with Text Formatting page and rearranged sidebars. | |
20/05/2022 | Added "playback," "whitelist," "blacklist," "dummy," "above/below," "sanity check," minimap," and "abort" to Terminology. | |
16/05/2022 | Removed guidance on using Collaborate to store images. | |
26/01/2022 | Added section on capitalization for emphasis to Nouns and capitalization. | |
21/01/2022 | Added "postmortem" and "root cause analysis" to Terminology. | |
19/01/2022 | Updated User interactions to provide specific guidance on referring to buttons. | |
12/01/2022 | Added Plurals and possessives. | |
15/12/2021 |
| |
02/12/2021 | Updated the Screenshot annotation guidelines:
| |
02/12/2021 | Added for example to Terminology. | |
29/11/2021 | Added Monospace font. | |
29/11/2021 | Added the following to Terminology. | |
15/11/2021 | Added Initialisms and acronyms. | |
15/11/2021 | Updated Error messages to clarify that you must describe the cause and resolution of error messages that you copy exactly. | |
15/11/2021 | Added Format code examples and Create code examples. | |
04/11/2021 | Added guidance for the following: - Quotation marks - recommend - should - since - Tips and tricks | |
27/10/2021 | Replaced At A Glance and Top 5 pages with Unity's guiding principles for technical communication. | |
29/09/2021 | Moved Unity features and services to its own page. | |
29/09/2021 | Added 27 new entries relating to Unity Visual Scripting to Terminology: - Blackboard - connector - Data Input/Output - flow - fuzzy finder - Graph Inspector - Graph/graph - group - inline values - input - machine - node - output - Script Graph - Script Machine - Script State - state - State Graph - State Machine - Subgraph - super unit - transition - Trigger Input/Output - unit - variables - Vector 3, Vector 2 - Visual Scripting | |
13/09/2021 | Added Writing about third-party software. | |
25/08/2021 | Updated guidance on when to use the Unity prefix in feature and service names, in Terminology. | |
05/07/2021 | Changed Unity Services Dashboard to Unity Dashboard in Terminology. | |
23/06/2021 | Updated User interactions to add guidance on writing for different operating systems. Added the following sections: - Keyboard shortcuts for different operating systems - Navigation paths for different operating systems | |
23/06/2021 | Added Error messages. | |
22/06/2021 | Added -ing words (gerunds, present participles. | |
27/05/2021 | Changed physics engine to physics system in Terminology. | |
26/05/2021 | Added hand coding and hand-coding to Terminology. | |
17/05/2021 | Changed drop-down to dropdown, to match Microsoft Style Guide. | |
04/05/2021 | Reorganized table of contents: - The pages Tone of voice, Target audience and Be specific and logical are now consolidated into one page called Tone, voice and audience. - The page Notes and information boxes is now in the Terminology section. The following template pages are now on Confluence: - Render pipeline compatibility templates - Profiler marker templates - Documenting preview and deprecated packages (a consolidation of the pages Preview packages and Deprecated packages | |
04/05/2021 | Updated color picker to object picker and provided extra examples to UI symbols. | |
26/04/2021 | Added Documenting profiler markers. | |
23/04/2021 | Added Android Debug Database (ADB) to Terminology. | |
23/04/2021 | Added information about optionally linking to FogBugz cases to Release notes. | |
19/04/2021 | Updated theme entry in Terminology to use Dark theme and Light theme instead of Personal theme and Pro theme. | |
22/02/2021 | Updated Preview packages to add information on packages without documentation. | |
16/02/2021 | Added links to the Microsoft Style Guide throughout. | |
21/01/2021 | Updated application and added title to Terminology. | |
18/01/2021 | Significantly updated Diagrams and added guidance on colors. | |
12/01/2021 | Updated Tone of voice to reflect current style. | |
12/01/2021 | Significantly updated Notes and information boxes. | |
10/12/2020 | Significantly updated Screenshots section. | |
09/12/2020 | Added a Scripting API page, which contains a link to internal API documentation. | |
08/12/2020 | Added master/slave to Terminology. | |
07/12/2020 | Updated and edited Screenshots and Screenshot tools. | |
07/12/2020 | Added guidance on using bold for emphasis to Bold, italics and underline. | |
07/12/2020 | Added FAQs guidance to Be specific and logical. | |
03/12/2020 | Updated guidance for Screenshots to use the dark theme instead of the light theme. | |
01/12/2020 | Updated guidance for scene and scene gizmo in Terminology. | |
25/11/2020 | Added multi- and multiplatform to Terminology. | |
24/11/2020 | Added the following to Terminology: shader, Unity shader, shader program, compute shader, Standard Shader, SubShader. Updated the following in Terminology: Pass, material. | |
23/11/2020 | Added URLs to Links and citation. | |
23/11/2020 | Added link to Confluence: Formatting documentation to Header and all Format pages, for quicker access to Markdown guidelines. | |
19/11/2020 | Added real world / real-world to Terminology. Added full screen / full-screen to Terminology (link to Microsoft Style Guide: full screen, full-screen). | |
10/11/2020 | Added dialog box to Terminology (link to Microsoft Style Guide: dialog box, dialog, dialogue). | |
12/10/2020 | Added Standard notes and information section: - Added Deprecated packages to new section. - Added Preview packages to new section - Moved Notes and Information boxes and Render pipeline compatibility into the new section. | |
12/10/2020 | Removed Scripting API section; this guidance now lives in the internal Confluence Documentation space (refer to Confluence: API docs content and formatting) | |
02/10/2020 | Added call stack to Terminology. | |
17/09/2020 | Updated Code examples. | |
17/09/2020 | Added Accessibility Actionables to Other Unity conventions. | |
17/09/2020 | Added More menu (⋮) to UI Symbols). | |
07/08/2020 | Added Tonemapping / tone mapping to Terminology. | |
07/08/2020 | Updated Release notes and changelogs. | |
07/08/2020 | Added Render pipeline compatibility. | |
04/08/2020 | Added Assets and source data page. | |
31/07/2020 | Added preview panel and object to Terminology. | |
20/07/2020 | Added legacy to Terminology. | |
13/07/2020 | Added changelog to Terminology. | |
01/07/2020 | Added teams to Terminology. | |
18/06/2020 | Added the following to Terminology: Built-In Render Pipeline, core platform, lighting terminology, tag, Unity MARS. | |
17/06/2020 | Added deprecated and obsolete to Terminology. | |
16/06/2020 | Updated image naming in Images. | |
02/06/2020 | Updated User interactions: added Hardware interactions section and moved page to parent page. | |
28/05/2020 | Added drag to Terminology. | |
18/05/2020 | Updated guidance for asset and project in Terminology. | |
12/05/2020 | Added Unity coding guidelines to Other Unity conventions. | |
12/05/2020 | Moved general advice on scripting API elements to Scripting API section intro and removed spurious Elements page. | |
12/05/2020 | Corrected advice on formatting braces in Format code examples. | |
12/05/2020 | Added Properties page to Scripting API section. | |
22/04/2020 | Added guidance for formatting in-line method names to Terminology and Methods. | |
21/04/2020 | Updated Tone of voice to reflect more accurate guidelines. | |
21/04/2020 | Added child/children to Terminology. | |
06/04/2020 | Added Nouns and capitalization. | |
03/04/2020 | Updated Titles and headers to clarify that it refers to all titles and headers on a page. | |
02/04/2020 | Added wish to Terminology. | |
17/02/2020 | Added Notes and Information boxes. | |
17/02/2020 | Added guidance on large Inspectors to Screenshots. | |
14/02/2020 | Added Other Unity conventions. | |
07/02/2020 | Updated Files, folders and directories and User interface interactions. | |
07/02/2020 | Added citation guidance to Links and citations. | |
28/01/2020 | Added display/show to Terminology. | |
20/01/2020 | Updated Links. | |
20/01/2020 | Added Tuples to Scripting API guidelines. | |
08/01/2020 | Added release notes exception to Past, present and future tense. | |
05/12/2019 | Updated formatting guidance for file/folder names and paths in Files and folders. | |
05/12/2019 | Updated runtime entry in Terminology. | |
19/11/2019 | Updated checkbox entry in Terminology. | |
15/11/2019 | Added quickstart to Terminology. | |
1/11/2019 | Added Git to Terminology. | |
12/09/2019 | Added i.e. and e.g. to Terminology]. | |
09/09/2019 | Added indices to Terminology. | |
02/09/2019 | Updated Images to clarify guidance on using GIFs. | |
02/09/2019 | Added the following pages and sections: Code examples, Component and class names, File names, User interface. | |
30/08/2019 | Added exceptions to passive voice guidelines in Use active voice and Top 5 writing tips. | |
30/08/2019 | Added the following to Terminology: garbage collection, Progressive Lightmappers, Universal Render Pipeline (URP), High-Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP), launch screen, roadmap, game. | |
16/08/2019 | Changed skin to theme as the correct noun to use for Personal and Pro color schemes in the Unity Editor. | |
01/08/2019 | Added guidance on taking package screenshots to Screenshots. | |
19/07/2019 | Added Release notes guidelines. Corrected line color to #000000 on Annotated images. | |
18/07/2019 | Added Scripting API style guidelines. | |
15/07/2019 | Migrated style guide to new home. |