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Titles and headings

Effective titles and headings help to organize information and tell users what to expect on the page.


For instructions on implementing this guidance with Markdown, refer to Confluence: Formatting documentation.

Unity documentation uses three levels of titles and headings:

  • Title (#, <h1>)
  • Heading (##, <h2>)
  • Subheading (###, <h3>)

Use the imperative verb form in titles and headings. With the exception of "troubleshooting," don't use the -ing form for verbs in headings.

Write all titles and section headers in sentence case. Sentence case looks like a typical sentence, with the first letter of the first word and any proper nouns capitalized. Do not use a period.

Avoid using ampersands (&), slashes, and other special characters in titles and headings.

For task-based content, use descriptive, task-based headings that start with verbs and refer to the outcome of the task. Avoid mentioning the tool or UI element unless absolutely necessary (for example, to differentiate between different methods of performing the same task).

For example content, use descriptive titles and headings that explain what task or concept the examples demonstrate. Don't write only "Example" or "Examples."


Monospace font doesn't always render correctly in titles or headings. To prevent confusion about whether a term is a common word or code element name, avoid using method names or other code element names in titles and headings.

Example titles and headings

Creating and Using ScriptsCreate and use scripts
Modify dynamic buffers with an EntityCommandBufferModify dynamic buffer components for entities
Using Physical CamerasSimulate real-world camera formats
Using the Built-in Particle SystemSimulate particles with the Built-in Particle System
Graphics Hardware Capabilities & EmulationGraphics hardware capabilities and emulation
How to create a custom rendering effectCreate a custom rendering effect
The instantiation function: createUnityInstance()Create a new instance of your WebGL application
ExamplesAdvanced binding examples
Troubleshoot installation issuesTroubleshooting installation issues