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Avoid unnecessary capitalization. Too much capitalization is distracting because it's hard for the reader to understand whether they have missed some information. Make sure the context is clear so that the user can understand whether you are referring to a generic or Unity-specific understanding of the term.


Historically, the Unity documentation capitalizes many terms that relate to Unity features. Don't rely on existing documentation to determine whether a term requires capitalization. If in doubt, check with the style guide team. Fix incorrectly capitalized terms as you find them in your documentation.


Only capitalize the following types of noun phrases:

  • Product names, including Unity and non-Unity apps and services, packages, and tools.
  • UI windows and views.
  • Components and properties.
  • Some features, concepts, and terms that relate to specific Unity products. Instances that require capitalization are rare and are described in the Terminology list. If your term doesn't appear in the Terminology list, check with the style guide team to determine whether it requires capitalization.

If a product name is a phrase that can be used generically, only use capitals when you are specifically referring to the product. Don’t use capitals when you use the phrase generically.

Don’t capitalize names of generic features or concepts inside Unity products unless you are specifically referring to UI elements that use their names.

Every GameObject has a transform component, which determines its Position, Rotation, and Scale.Every GameObject has a Transform component, which determines its position, rotation, and scale. The values are stored in Transform component properties named Position, Rotation, and Scale, respectively

API and programming terms

Don’t capitalize the names of generic programming concepts. For example, jobs, tasks, coroutines, and networking.

Write the names of API members with the exact capitalization that the user must type. Use monospace font (including in links) for all references to API members.

Capitalization for emphasis

Never capitalize words for emphasis.

Unity does NOT update or re-publish legacy documentation.Unity doesn't update or re-publish legacy documentation.
A GameObject ALWAYS has a Transform component attached.A GameObject always has a Transform component attached.
Make sure scripts that reference the Animator search for the animator in the CHILD GameObject, instead of the root.Make sure scripts that reference the Animator search for the animator in the child GameObject, instead of the root.

Initialisms and acronyms

When you spell out an initialism or acronym, don’t capitalize the letters that make up the abbreviation, unless the abbreviation is a proper noun or contains proper nouns.

For more information and examples, check Initialisms and acronyms.

Titles and headings

Use sentence case in titles. For more details on formatting titles, check Titles and headings.

Job titles

Capitalize a job title only when it precedes a person's name, or is used to address a specific person. In these cases, the title is part of a proper noun.

Use all lowercase when the title follows a name, or is used to describe a job position but not a specific person.

Please welcome chief executive officer John Riccitiello.Please welcome Chief Executive Officer John Riccitiello.
Thank you for this honor, governor.Thank you for this honor, Governor.
Jane Smith, Senior Program Manager, will lead the meeting.Jane Smith, senior program manager, will lead the meeting.
You can develop the skills to be a Technical Artist.You can develop the skills to be a technical artist.

In link text, use the same capitalization as the name of the link target. For more details on writing link text, check Links and citations.