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Quick reference

Use the following quick reference tables to create images, screenshots, and diagrams. For detailed guidance and best practices, refer to the specific guidance for your image type:

Images and screenshots quick reference

Use the information in the following table as a quick reference for taking and publishing screenshots.

File typeDepends on the type of image or screenshot.
  • PNG: For screenshots that include mostly UI elements (sharp lines, large monotone areas)
  • JPG: For screenshots that include the Scene or Game view with realistic rendering
Image size (pixels)Depends on the content area of the platform or site.
  • Core platform: Maximum image size is 849 x 900 pixels in landscape orientation. Images larger than the maximum are automatically resized during the build process.
  • Packages: No restriction on pixel width or height, but larger images are downscaled to fit within the content area of the package docs site.
For UI screenshots, start using 100% display size and then adjust as necessary based on platform content area. For more details, refer to Screenshot size and resolution.
File size (MB)As small as possible without compromising on image quality. For packages, images must be less than 1MB in size.
CroppingCrop the image so that it contains only the window or element you want to draw attention to.
EdgesUse only straight edges. Don't use fade-outs or jagged edges.
AnnotationsUse consistent callout boxes and labels to annotate images and screenshots. Refer to Annotations for specific guidelines.
File namingUse meaningful, unique names and format them in kebab-case, as follows:
Unity Editor themeDark

Diagrams quick reference

Use the information in the following table as a quick reference for creating and publishing diagrams.

File typeSVG
File size (MB)As small as possible. For packages, images must be less than 1MB in size.
Font size
  • Use a consistent font size throughout the diagram.
  • Use a font size that is large enough to be easily read but not so large that it makes the diagram look cluttered.
Font colorBlack or white.
Line width
  • Use consistent line widths throughout the diagram.
  • Avoid using extremely thin or thick lines.
Line colorBlack and white.
For highlight and accent colors, refer to the Color page of the Unity Brand Studio’s design portal.