Numbers, measurements, and equations
Be consistent when you write numbers in your content.
Numbers have a wide range of uses, including quantities and measurements, dates and times, and user-input text. Follow these style guidelines to make your content clear and accessible to a wide audience.
📄️ Numbers
Choose between writing numbers as words or as numerals depending on the context.
📄️ Decimals, percentages and fractions
Choose between decimals, percentages, and fractions.
📄️ Units and measurements
Write measurements and units clearly and consistently.
📄️ List of common units
Use common units so that readers can understand and compare measurements and quantities.
📄️ Ranges
Use a consistent style for ranges so that they're clear and accessible.
📄️ Dates and times
Write dates and times using a consistent style that's clear to international audiences.
📄️ Equations and mathematical expressions
Use equations and mathematical expressions only in technical and mathematical content when it's essential to convey meaning.