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Past, present, and future tense

Write in present tense, not past or future.

File conflicts occurred when you published a change to something that someone else had changed in a different way.File conflicts occur when you publish a change to something that someone else has changed in a different way.You will encounter file conflicts when you publish a change to something that someone else changed in a different way.

Current and future states of the product

Avoid using time-sensitive words like "new" and "currently" when referring to states of the product. Wherever possible, aim to make sure that content is not time-sensitive. Time-sensitive language increases the burden of maintenance and risks making inaccurate promises about future changes. Examples of time-sensitive topics include discussing a known issue that is due to be fixed, or a bug that occurs only in certain versions of Unity.

If you absolutely need to use time-sensitive language, then work with the style guide team to determine the appropriate language to use and to track future updates.

Currently, only one type of upload handler is available.Only one type of upload handler is available.
Unity does not currently support GIF textures.Unity does not support GIF textures.
PreInit doesn’t apply to the Editor at this time.PreInit doesn’t apply to the Editor.
Because of this risk, future versions of Unity will prevent global variable access from jobs using static analysis. If you do access static data inside a job, you should expect your code to break in future versions of Unity.To avoid the risk of security issues and your code breaking, do not access static data inside a job.

Release notes and changelogs

Release notes and changelogs use a different style than the rest of Unity's documentation. Release notes and changelogs are written in past tense and in some cases it is useful to compare current and past states of the product. For more information, refer to Release notes and changelogs.