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Deprecated and obsolete features

Use the following guidelines to refer to products and APIs that are no longer supported or not recommended.

Deprecated products and APIs

Use "deprecated" to refer to products, packages, features, and APIs that are no longer supported or due to be unsupported in later versions of Unity.

When you document products and APIs that are deprecated, add a note banner to the top of the relevant page:

  • For deprecated features or APIs, add the banner to the specific page for that feature or API.
  • For deprecated products, add the banner to the top of the front page of the documentation set.

Include the following information in the note banner:

  • The status of the feature. Avoid using time-sensitive language to refer to the current or future state of the feature.
  • A link to a recommended alternative that provides the same or better functionality.

Use the following template:

<Product, package or API name> is deprecated. Use <other product, package, or API name> instead.

Example note banner for deprecated products
Note: Apple ARKit Face Tracking XR Plugin is deprecated. Use the Apple ARKit XR Plug-in instead.

Don't use "legacy" to refer to deprecated products or features. Use "legacy" only for features that have "legacy" in their name, such as Legacy Animation system or Legacy shaders.

For more information about documentation for deprecated packages, refer to Documenting experimental, pre-release, and deprecated packages.

Obsolete products and APIs

Use "obsolete" to refer to features and APIs that have been removed and replaced.

When you document products and APIs that are obsolete, add a note banner to the top of the relevant page:

  • For obsolete features or APIs, add the banner to the specific page for that feature or API.
  • For obsolete products or packages, add the banner to the top of the front page of the documentation set.

Include the following information in the note banner:

  • The status of the feature. Avoid using time-sensitive language to refer to the current or future state of the feature.
  • A link to a recommended alternative that provides the same or better functionality.

Use the following template:

<Product, package or API name> is obsolete. Use <other product, package, or API name> instead.

Example note banner for obsolete products
Note: The Samsung Galaxy store is obsolete and no longer supported in the Unity In-App Purchasing package 4.0.0 and later. This guide to configure the Samsung Galaxy store applies only to Unity IAP package version 3.1.0 and earlier. If you are using Unity IAP package 4.0.0 and later and you want to implement a Samsung Galaxy store, use the Unity Distribution Platform instead.

If a product, feature, or API is currently supported but isn't recommended for any reason, including future deprecation, then add a note to the top of the page that contains the following information:

  • An explanation of the situation, if helpful to the user.
  • A recommended alternative with a link to the relevant page in the documentation.
  • Any circumstances in which the user might still need to use the deprecated feature, such as functionality that isn't available elsewhere.

Use the following template:

For most uses, <new feature name> replaces <current feature>. If you need to <use specific functionality>, then use <current feature>.

Example note banner for products that aren't recommended
For most uses, Mecanim replaces the Legacy animation system. If you need backward compatibility with content created before Unity 4, then use the Legacy animation system.

Work with your product manager and developers to ensure that the documentation matches the current state of the product, feature, or API.