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Files, folders, and directories


This content describes how to format file names, folder names, and directories in documentation. For instructions on how to write file names for the Hexadocs platform, refer to File naming conventions.

Use clear and consistent formatting for files, folders, and directories to differentiate them from the rest of your text.


For instructions on implementing this guidance with Markdown, refer to Confluence: Formatting documentation.

Format file, folder and directory names

Format file names, folder names and directory paths in monospace.

When you refer to files, folders, and directories on the user’s system (including assets and files viewed in the Project window), make clear what the root folder is (where possible) and use backslashes to separate each folder.

Example file, folder, and directory names
Open example-file.png in the Editor.
Open the Assets folder in the Project window.
In the C:// drive, navigate to Users[YourName]\Download\UnityPackages.

Format file extensions

Write file extensions for file types in regular font. Include the preceding period.

If you need to use an indefinite article ("a" or "an"), write the one that applies to the sound of the first letter of the extension, as though the period (or dot) is not announced. You don't need to format file extensions in monospace.

Example file extensions
Open the .exe file to run the game.
This feature supports .jpg and .png files.
Choose an .mp3 file to upload.

File-naming conventions

Create file and folder names in kebab case. For example, "how-to-read-your-reports.pdf".

If a folder name is dependent on user input, place it inside square brackets. Use example names that are clearly examples, such as "[example-name]" or "[example-file]." Don’t use realistic names like "[night-scene]."

Where possible, name files so that they reflect the title or first heading of the content in the file. For example, for a PDF file containing a document titled "Set up your custom Editor," use the file name "set-up-your-custom-editor.pdf."