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Error messages

Writing error messages and solutions in a consistent format helps users to identify and resolve issues.

For additional guidance on writing error messages, refer to Confluence: Writing error messages.

Specific error messages​

If you know the exact error message that might appear in the case you are describing, copy it exactly into the documentation, and format it as a code block. If users Google that specific error message, they have a higher chance of finding the documentation.

If you copy an error message exactly, you must also describe what causes this error, and what the user can do to resolve it.

Unknown error messages​

Avoid writing “Unity displays an error”; be more specific about the type of error and what the user can do to resolve it.

If you do not know the exact error message that might appear in the case you are describing, or there are several similar error messages that might appear, do not try to write an approximate one. Instead, describe the type of message that is likely to appear.

An error message appears that says something like “There is a problem with your AssetBundle.”An error message appears to inform you that there is a problem with your AssetBundle.